

词汇 find fault
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v.挑剔; 挑毛病; 找茬儿; 挑错


minor fault───小断层;轻微故障,次要故障

dip fault───倾向断层

fan vault───扇形拱顶

find fame───成名

find out───v.找出,查明;发现,揭发

foot fault───n.脚步犯规

ground fault───[电]接地故障

foot faults───n.脚步犯规

ground faults───[电]接地故障


There was not a single thing about her that one could find fault with.───在她身上找不出一点让人家说长道短的地方.

Let me hear the most refined of Cockneys presume to find fault with Yorkshire manners!───我倒要听听那些顶高尚的伦敦人怎样找约克郡人在礼貌上的岔子.

You must not find fault; refuse to do it.───你不可以挑毛病; 要拒绝做这种事.

It is very easy to find fault with the work of others.───批评他人的工作状况是件容易的事.

It's hard to find fault with Yoyo Ma's cello performance.───马友友的大提琴表演是难以挑剔的.

Don't be so ready to find fault.───不要动不动就挑毛病.

Why did he find fault so much?───他为什么老是找麻烦?

These guys can find fault in anything you do.───这些人总能在你做的任何一件事上找到毛病。

We criticized you because we wanted to help you, not in order to find fault with you.───我们批评你,是为了帮助你, 绝不是跟你过不去.

If I find fault, it is that I want you to improve.───我批评你, 是因为要你改进.

He loved best to find fault with me.───他最喜欢找我的岔了。

I cannot find fault in your paper. It is faultless.───从你的文章里我找不到错误, 它完美无瑕.

On the surface, it is hard to find fault with Carter's argument.───表面上, 很难挑出卡特观点的毛病.

There you go, trying to find fault with me.───你又来这一套, 老是想找我的岔.

Soon she began to find fault with me.───不久她便开始找我的岔子了.

Why do you have to find fault with everything I like?───为什么你老爱对我喜欢的东西挑东西的 呢 ?

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