

词汇 铜斤铁肋用英语怎么说
释义 铜斤铁肋用英语怎么说

Bronze and iron rib




At room temperature, the thermal conductivity of a diamond is about six times higher than that of a piece of copper.───在室温下, 钻石的热传导律比铜块高六倍左右.

El Salvador produces 100,000 tons of refined copper annually.───萨尔瓦多每年生产10万吨纯铜。

Copper wire is flexible.───铜丝易弯曲.

Brass is formed by the fusion of copper and zinc.───黄铜是通过铜和锌的熔合而成的.

As new mines come on stream, Chile's share of world copper output will increase sharply.───新矿投产后,智利在世界铜产量中所占的份额将大幅增加。

a length of copper tubing───一截铜管

the fusion of copper and zinc to produce brass───铜与锌熔合成黄铜

Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc.───黄铜是铜锌合金。

Copper pipe is sold in lengths.───铜管按长度出售。

Copper and silver are both metals.───铜和银都是金属.


He polished up the old copper coins.

Copper and silver are both metals.

Those copper articles were superficially brassed.

Her hair shone like burnished copper.

This old bed has a copper frame.

Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc.

The copper pipework has corroded in places.

Chile is the world's largest producer of copper.

Copper pipe is sold in lengths.

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