

词汇 fellow travelers
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fellow travelers发音



fellow travellers───旅伴;同情者

fellow traveler───同路人

fellow traveller───旅伴;同情者


fellow passengers───同行的乘客;同道的旅客

fallow deers───(欧洲产的)小鹿

fellow creatures───同类;同胞

fellow members───正式会员

fellow workers───工友


Negotiate with fellow travelers, including the kids.───与同行者商量,包括孩子。

They not only make unreasonable demands on the guides, but also quarrel with their fellow travelers.───他们不仅对导游提出种种不合理的要求,还跟同团的游伴吵嘴。

when you can, attune to the spirit of cooperation and offer a calm word or peaceful gesture to your fellow travelers.───当你能做到这些,才能与合作的精神相吻合,给你的伙伴提供冷静的语言和平静的姿态。

On the curb in front of their house someone had etched a white mark, indicating to fellow travelers that this house was an "easy mark. "───他家房子前的侧石上有人蚀刻了一个白色记号,向别的流民表明这家是“软蛋”。

Each day there are almost certain to be opportunities to help your fellow travelers, even if it is only a smile or a kind word.───每天都有着机会去帮助你们的同伴,即使是一句善意的话语,亲切的微笑都是美好的。

So he called over the most energetic of his fellow travelers and asked them to dig up the ground on that very spot.───于是他叫来同行的人中最有劲儿的几个人,让他们在长草丛的地方试着挖掘一番。

Life magazine listed Einstein as one of this country's 50 prominent " dupes and fellow travelers. "───《生活》杂志曾把他列为美国50个最著名的“冤大头和共产党的同情者”。

It was due to my fellow travelers' help all through the journey that I could come back safely.───一路上多亏了同路人的帮助,我才能平安回来。

Allow me, Sir, to introduce you to my fellow travelers .───先生,请容许我向你介绍我的旅伴。


But he saw his fellow travelers making the same mistakes he once did.

On the curb in front of their house someone had etched a white mark, indicating to fellow travelers that this house was an "easy mark."

  • fellow worker
  • fellow human
  • fellow ode grinder
  • fellow guests
  • fellowship program
  • fellow being
  • fellow workers
  • fellow definition
  • fellow creature
  • fellow inmates
  • fellow member
  • fellow creatures
  • fellow ode
  • fellow osteria




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