

词汇 federal law
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federal case───联邦案件


federal cases───联邦案件

federal holiday───联邦假日;联邦假期







Federal law requires public schools to help disabled students through special education service ( service ) and individuate ( individualize ) programs.───同盟法要求公立学校要通过 特殊教育 和赋予个性的教学方法帮助残障儿童.

South Carolina claimed the power to exempt its citizens from the obligation to obey federal law.───南卡罗来纳州宣称有权使其公民免除遵守联邦法律的义务。

They typically can be preempted by either state or federal law.───同时联邦和州法律明显的优先于它们.

Mr Sarrazin says that the Sparkassen are governed by regional, not federal, law.───Sarrazin先生指出储蓄银行由当地, 而不是由联邦法管理.

The companies argued that a federal law bars such claims under state law.───这些公司申辩称,联邦法律禁止基于州立法律的诉求.

It is against federal law to discriminate against blacks.───歧视黑人是违反联邦法律的.

Federal law allows consumers to unlock their own phones.───联邦法律允许解锁自己的手机!

The same principle is at work in federal law.───同一原则在联邦法律中起了作用.

proscribed by federal law from owning guns.───联邦法律规定,他们不准拥有枪支。

Federal Law 49 CFR 37,167 requires: These seats must be vacated for seniors and disabled persons.───联邦法49条、联邦条例法典37、167条规定: 此座为老人残疾人专用.

This is a federal law, and statement of this law is displayed in the company's wall.───这是联邦法律, 并且这法律的条文就贴在公司的墙壁上.

Federal law bars sex discrimination at any school that receives federal money.───联邦法律规定,在接受联邦资金援助大学里禁止发生性别歧视.

But federal law bars drug drug companies from marketing their products for unapproved uses.───但是联邦法律严禁制药公司以未获批准的用途来销售产品.

Such claims are governed by federal law.───这样的请求权受联邦法律支配.

You know that under the Migratory Bird Treaty it's against federal law a curved - bill thrasher.───你们应该知道,根据候鸟条约,收容矢嘲鸫是违反联邦法律的.

Provincial superior courts may administer federal law.───省的高级法院则可以适用联邦的法律.

Animal Welfare Act is the only federal law in the U.───动物福利法》是目前美国唯一的相关联邦法案。


They are proscribed by federal law from owning guns.

Federal law prohibits foreign airlines from owning more than 25% of any U.S. airline.

They were charged with violating federal law.

The group circulated petitions calling for a federal law to ban handguns.

The federal law applies broadly to all medical devices.

Under federal law, it is illegal to discriminate against minorities and women.

Federal law protects workers who are disabled.

Law enforcement officials. Federal law enforcement.

Federal law prohibits the broadcast from being recorded.

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