

词汇 faulty goods
释义 faulty goods
faulty goods发音




fancy goods───新奇商品;花哨商品

fast foods───方便食品

fault zones───[地质]断裂带;[地质]断层带,断层区

faulty gene───缺陷基因

party foods───派对食品

party moods───派对情绪

capital goods───[工经]生产资料;资本货物;资本财货

worldly goods───财产



Make sure he doesn't try to palm you off with faulty goods.───别上当让他把残次品卖给你。

Consumers are encouraged to complain about faulty goods.───要鼓励消费者对劣质商品投诉.

His factory made faulty goods and deserved the punishment.───他的工厂生产次品,罪有应得.

Consumers have the right to return faulty goods demand a refund from the supplier.───消费者有权退回有瑕疵的商品,要求供应商退还款项.

Mr Mitchell is a marketing executive who has received several complaints from customers about faulty goods.───米契尔先生是行销主管谁有被一般承认的关于有过失的货物的来自客户的一些诉苦.

Consumers are encouraged to complain about faulty goods.───鼓励消费者对劣质商品投诉。

I want to have your opinion on the faulty goods.───我想听听贵方对这次货物品质问题的解释.

Send these faulty goods back to the manufacturer.───把这些次货退还给厂家.

Faulty goods should be returned to the manufacturers.───有问题的产品应退还生产厂家。

Every now and then we buy some faulty goods.───我们时不时会买到有缺陷的商品.

Many people believe that the initial complaint about faulty goods should be made to the manufacturer.───许多人认为对有缺陷商品的投诉首先应当向生产商提出.

Consumers have the right to return faulty goods and demand a refund from the supplier.───消费者有权退回有瑕疵的商品,要求供给商退还款项.


Send these faulty goods back to the manufacturer.

Consumers are encouraged to complain about faulty goods.

Consumers have the right to reject faulty goods and demand a refund.

Faulty goods should be returned to the manufacturers.

An evil dwarf sells faulty goods and weapons to unknowing adventurers.

Every now and then we buy some faulty goods.

He had no scruples about selling faulty goods to people.

They received criticism for continuing to supply the faulty goods.

The manufacturers have called in the faulty goods.

  • faulty approach
  • faulty heart
  • faulty goods




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