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词汇 fast moving
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fast motions───[摄]快动作


fast motion───[摄]快动作





We are passed by a fast - moving hooting car.───鸣着喇叭的汽车从我们身旁迅速开过.

Why not have the magnets encapsulated in the external, fast moving part of a turbine?───为什么磁铁不是被安装在外部的,快速移动的涡轮中?

Find a fast moving subject - a water fountain is ideal.───寻找快速运动的主题 -- 喷泉会比较理想.

Fast - moving flames trapped a dozen people today inside this Kentucky home.───今天在肯塔基州发生了12个人陷入熊熊烈火的困境的事件.

Only fast - moving particles could make the little mill spin round.───只有快速运动的粒子才能使小风车转动.

This fast moving consumer goods company launches new products every quarter.───这家快速消费品公司每个季度都推出新产品.

This is a fast-moving but finely observed drama.───这是一部节奏紧凑但是观察入微的剧。

A watery sunlight shone down through an opening in the fast - moving cloud cover.───一束淡淡的阳光从飞快移动的乌云缝隙间投射下来.

Markets in fast - moving and relatively cheap goods are easiest to police.───快速消费品和相对廉价商品市场更易于管理.

He hopped on a fast - moving train.───他跳上一列疾驶的火车.

Davies has managed to pursue his diverse interests in parallel with his fast-moving career.───戴维斯在事业突飞猛进的同时并未放弃自己广泛的兴趣爱好。

These arise among fast - moving quarks in intense interaction.───这些作用力源于快速运动,剧烈地相互作用的夸克.

Experienced swimmers know it is relatively easy to escape the narrow channel of the fast moving water by floating and allowing it to drag you further into the ocean or by swimming alongside the shore.───有经验的游泳者都知道,要想从湍急的水流中逃离狭窄的水道相对来说比较容易,方法是让水漂浮起来,让它把你进一步拖入大海,或者沿着海岸游泳。

Rule 7 –7 TO 10 - DAY RULE FOR AN ACTIVE , FAST - MOVING MARKET.───在快速活跃的市场中运用7-10日规则.

You'll get out, but expect to suffer slippage in a fast - moving market.───你会出场, 但是,在快速波动的市场,你会受到滑点亏损.

Make use of fast moving or aerial units (or scanner sweeps) to scout out ahead of your army and fi gure out which units should engage to suffer minimal losses.───利用好快速移动的或者空中单位(或者菌毯瘤)来侦察前方并找出用什么单位去对抗的损失最小。

Fast - moving markets give the best trading signals.───快速波动的市场就是最好的交易信号.

The main focus is the fast - moving - consumer - goods market ( FMCG ).───主要目的在于“快速移动消费者产品”市场 ( fmcg ).


It was a fast moving show that dealt largely in nostalgia.

These characteristics determine the fast moving consumer goods consumer buying habits are: simple, rapid, impulsive, emotional.

They're a fast moving, trendy tracksuited, van-driving team.

The rapidity with which El precipitado moves from scene to scene makes it a very fast moving drama.

Against fast moving shock troops such as armoured cavalry this is also true.

This fast moving consumer goods company launches new products every quarter.

Not far away a turgid and fast moving river rushed southward in narrow gorges.

I try to concentrate all my hard-hitting, fast moving units on one flank.

Find a fast moving subject - a water fountain is ideal.

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