

词汇 越来越糟糕用英语怎么说
释义 越来越糟糕用英语怎么说

It's getting worse


糟糕───too bad


Too bad ! We'd just got the wheat to the threshing ground when It'started to rain.───真差劲,麦子刚上场就下起雨来了.

Too bad he used his intelligence for criminal purposes.───他把聪明都用在了犯罪上,太可惜了。

Granted, he doesn't look too bad for his age, but I don't fancy him.───以他的年龄来说他看起来确实还算不错,不过我并不喜欢他。

It's too bad to see a fresh flower on a heap of cow - dung. He'll be the ruin of her!───鲜花插在牛粪上, 真 把她糟踏 啦 !

" Yes, it is too bad. "───“ 是啊, 真太遗憾了. ”

It is too bad that Eleanor had to leave so soon.───埃莉诺不得不这么快就离开,真是太遗憾了。

If sometimes they're the wrong decisions, too bad.───如果有时这些决定是错误的,那可是太不幸了。

I've got a couple that don't look too bad.───我弄到两个,看上去还可以.

What do you think of this novel? -- Not too bad.───这本小说 怎么样 -- 还凑合.

If anything should happen to him, that would be too bad.───如什么意外的事临到他的头上, 可就糟了.


It's too bad that you are unable to relate to the environment.

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