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词汇 falling over
释义 falling over
falling over发音




fallen over───落在

mulling over───仔细考虑

pulling over───把…开到路边;开到路边;靠边停车;靠岸

rolling over───翻转;翻模

talking over───讨论;详尽地商议;说服

walking over───轻易地胜过;虐待;利用;走过去

spilling over───溢出;被迫使出来

asking over───请(某人)来自己家

boiling over───沸溢


Heart of the monkeys have an itch coax and, in the network, Fan Gentou, falling over.───心里早就发痒的猴子们一哄而下, 在网里翻跟头 、 打滚.

The mink breeders were falling over themselves to bug a piece of the action.───养貂商争得不可开交,竞相捞取油水.

My spreadsheet keeps falling over.───我的电子制表软件不断出故障。

On the platform, sensitive automatic screen are installed to prevent people falling over into the rail.───在月台上, 安装了自动感应屏防止乘客掉下路轨.

Star sapphire, stars falling over the sea, confuse.───蓝星石, 是星星集体摔倒了海面上, 迷惑.

The satellite continued through the Atlantic south toward Africa, but it was unlikely the satellite got that far if it started falling over the Pacific.───这颗卫星继续沿着大西洋向南飞向非洲,但如果卫星在太平洋上空开始坠落,它不太可能飞行如此远。

Tom's always falling over, he's accident - prone.───汤姆总是在跌倒, 他很容易出意外.

Snow is falling over the north of England.───英格兰北部到处都在下雪.

Step 1 : Put some pebbles in bottom of the cup to stop it falling over.───步骤 一: 把一些小石头放到杯子底部,以防杯子翻倒.

The big firms were falling over themselves for the services of this brilliant young scientist.───那些大公司急于争取这位才华横溢的青年科学家为他们服务.

Sudden, unseasonable rainfall. Wind. Lightning . A big tree falling over . Unexpected events.───突如其来 、 不合时宜的大雨, 风, 闪电,轰然倒下的大树,出乎意料的事件,等等.

He was an awkward child, always falling over himself and breaking things.───他是个笨拙的孩子, 经常笨手笨脚地把东西摔破.

Falling over is impossible and the scooter can handle ice, snow and stairs with ease.───摔倒是不可能的,它能很轻松地应付冰 、 雪和台阶.

He was falling over himself to be nice to me.───他尽力对我友好。

People were falling over themselves to be introduced to the visiting film star.───人们千方百计地想把自己介绍给到访的影星.

The fans were falling over one another to ask their idol singer for signature.───歌迷们正争先恐后请自己的偶像歌星签名.

The food company was falling over itself to sell its stock of shares.───这家食品公司正急着抛售股票.

The walls were guyed with cables to prevent it from falling over.───这些墙壁用绳索支撑着,以防止倒塌.


People were falling over themselves to help her.

Snow is falling over the country.

Falling over is part of learning how to ski.

He was falling over himself to be nice to me.

Scores on standardized tests have been steadily falling over the past ten years.

Recording companies were falling over themselves to sign the band.

He was an awkward child, always falling over himself and breaking things.

Publishers are falling over themselves to produce non-fiction for five to seven-year-olds.

People were falling over themselves to be introduced to the visiting film star.

  • falling out
  • falling through
  • falling star
  • falling upon
  • falling down falling down
  • falling slowly
  • falling rain
  • falling song
  • falling for you
  • falling apart
  • falling off
  • falling asleep
  • falling to you




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