Caricature satirizing social malpractice
A consent form does not give the health care provider a license to commit malpractice.───你需要明白的是医疗同意书并不是容许医疗提供者构成医疗过失的许可证,因此你仍然具备要求医疗过失赔偿的权利.
What is the first step in pursuing a medical malpractice claim?───、医疗过失诉讼中,应该从何开始,第一步应该做些 什么 ?
The appraisal of malpractice should be based on objective standards as it involved with peoples benefit.───医疗事故鉴定涉及到千家万户的切身利益,应有其相应的客观标准.
The head nurse was reduced to ordinary nurse due to malpractice.───这位护士长由于玩忽职守被降职为普通护士.
And has carried on the analysis to the building redundant project origin and the malpractice.───并对重复建设的起源和弊端进行了剖析.
In theory a creditor or malpractice lawsuit is threatened.───从理论上讲,债权人或渎职诉讼是受到威胁的.
Should an injury result from nonstandard practice, a malpractice claim for damages could be made.───如果伤害是因非标准治疗引起, 你可以提起医疗事故之索赔主张.
Furthermore, the malpractice of lending institutions was not closely monitored and corrected by supervising government agencies.───此外, 金融检查机构未能克尽厥职也是道德风险提高的主要原因.
- 讽刺社会弊端的漫画用英语怎么说
- malpractice suit