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词汇 expressive face
释义 expressive face
expressive face发音



expressive range───表达范围

expressive voice───富有表现力的声音

expressive power───表达力

excessive force───用力过度

impassive face───冷漠的脸

expression mark───表达式标记





These stories and her expressive face appealed profoundly to me.───这些故事加上她丰富的表情,深深地吸引住了我。

Where can the true self be, this authentically expressive face—a surface of appearances we imagine we can trust?───哪里有真正的自我——那张有着本真表情的脸庞、那个我们可以信任的表面的表面?

bobbed hair, the perfect complexion, the infinitely expressive face and graceful movement made her a much-imitated fashion icon.───时尚的波波头,俏丽娇柔的脸庞,极富表现力的面部表情以及优美的身体语言让她一度成为大家争相模仿的时尚宠儿。

The doctor sat with his eyes quietly fixed on his bright, expressive face.───医生两眼一直紧盯着这位客人容光焕发、表情生动的脸。

Among the faces of many old men and women, aunt Zhang had an expressive face. In her 60s, she dressed very well.───在一张张大爷大妈的脸中,张阿姨算是表情丰富的,60岁的她穿戴也总是很讲究。

He smiled buck teeth smile, very expressive face and body, and his pure good nature made him very cute.───他露出龅牙的笑容,非常富有表现力的脸和身体,以及他纯真美好的天性使他非常可爱。

On his expressive face, his eyes are extraordinarily bright.───表情丰富的脸上,眼睛亮的不寻常。

Andy Lau has an incredibly expressive face here, which allows him to portray both layers perfectly.───刘德华的面部表情难以置信地传神,使他能够完美地刻画人物的双重性格。

an animated and expressive face; animated conversation; became very animated when he heard the good news.───活泼的、充满表情的脸;活跃的交谈;当他听到这个好消息,他变得非常活跃。


Winnicott was of slight and spare build, with an angular expressive face that was from early on deeply lined.

The guy on the right is younger, with a softer, more expressive face.

Violette's expressive face in the mirror passed through a variety of emotions.

The hood framed her expressive face, emphasising the grimace of determination before she lowered herself into the starting blocks.

The doctor sat with his eyes quietly fixed on his bright, expressive face.

For all that he was an attractive little creature with a sweetly expressive face.

He would use his expressive face to bring the stories to life.

Robyn had the more mobile, more expressive face.

  • expressive function
  • expressive power




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