

词汇 ethical code
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ethical codes───伦理规章

ethical issue───伦理问题

dial code───拨号代码

ethical drug───凭处方出售的药物;合乎规格的药物

ethical policy───伦理政策

criminal code───刑法,刑法典

ethical drugs───凭处方出售的药物;合乎规格的药物

ethical vegan───道德素食主义者

national code───国家编码(外贸术语)


Ancient China is a society of paying great attention to the Confucian ethical code.───中国古代社会是一个重视礼教的社会。

is an important proposition in Confucianism, and it contains extensive meanings.───是儒家思想中的一个重要命题,本身有着非常宽泛的涵义。

the epitome of this tragedy in which love succumbs to the feudal ethical code.───这种“爱”屈服于“礼”悲剧的缩影。

The important thing was to think about an ethical code which would make for happy families and well-run countries without too much fighting.───重要的是要考虑道德守则,为了幸福的家庭和良好的运行,使国家而没有太多的战争。

He told me that he couldn't because the ownership of his contract was a mix between clubs and people, and Juventus have an ethical code.───他告诉我他无法这样做,因为他的合同所有权非常复杂,而尤文图斯遵守了道德准则。

Confucian couldn t go on survive in its natural position and the belief of the confucian ethical code was falling gravely.───儒学无法以其固有地位继续存在,名教信仰严重跌落。

There is a very definite ethical code, but it is not fierce or persecuting, and does not contain the notion "sin" .───其所有者只是颇为明确的伦理规范,既不严峻怕人,亦且从不存有“罪孽”观念。

"We must have the evidence and then we will act immediately against all those [who] would be in breach of the ethical code rules. "───“我们必须拿到证据,然后我们将立刻对所有违反道德规范条例的人采取行动。”

Confucianism crisis, the first of its patriarchal feudal ethical code ethical crisis.───儒教的危机,首先是其宗法封建性礼教伦理的危机。

  • ethical dilemma
  • ethically correct




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