Amy doesn't wear glasses
Amy picked up the hairbrush and smoothed her hair once more.───埃米拿起发梳,再次将头发梳理整齐。
Amy lifted her arm to wave. "Goodbye," she called.───埃米举起胳膊挥挥手。“再见,”她喊道。
Amy and her group had driven non-stop through Spain.───埃米和她的小组一路马不停蹄地驱车穿越西班牙。
So there we were with Amy and she was driving us crazy.───就这样,我们和埃米到了一起,而她快把我们逼疯了。
Amy woke up to the sound of her doorbell ringing.───随着门铃叮当作响,埃米醒来了。
Amy went and kissed him, and then danced out of his reach.───埃米过去吻了他一下,接着就从他怀里跳开了。
Tony smiled and lifted his glass. "Here's to you, Amy."───托尼微笑着举起杯子。“为你干一杯,埃米。”
Amy discovered that the theoretical and written work came easily to her.───埃米发现理论和笔头作业对她来说十分容易。
Sit down, Amy - you look tired.
I wish Amy would get off the phone .
Amy was a younger replica of her mother.
Amy sat outside in the sun.
Amy made an awkward gesture with her hands.
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