

词汇 episodic memory
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episodic memories───情景记忆,情节记忆;事件记忆

echoic memory───n.声象记忆,回声记忆;余音记忆

iconic memory───图象记忆;映象记忆

plastic memory───塑性记忆

abiding memory───持久的记忆

distant memory───遥远的记忆


extended memory───扩展内存

semantic memory───[计]语义存储器


The most important models are the semantic memory and episodic memory models.───最重要有语义记忆与情景记忆模型.

These new criteria are centred on a clinical core of early and significant episodic memory impairment.───这些新的标准集中关注早期临床表现和明显的短暂性记忆缺失。

Objective Episodic memory is a kind of memory for events that occurred in a particular place at a particular time.───研究目的情景记忆是指对特定时间和特定地点所发生事件的记忆。

Researches on episodic memory show that people guide their memories by the profound events.───场景记忆的研究人员发现人们使用深刻影响的事件来指导他们的回忆。

The tests included an episodic memory test, in which the patient must correctly remember a list of words.───该测试包括一个情景记忆测试,其中病人必须正确地记住一组单词。

The episodic memory is the memory of event or scene that someone has experienced personally in a certain time and location.───场景记忆是个人亲身经历过的,在一定时间和地点发生的事件或情景的记忆。

Then there is episodic memory, which hangs onto memorable events from our own lives.───另一种是事件记忆,记忆生活中值得记忆的重大事件。


Objective To study the episodic memory, semantic memory in maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) patients.

Objective Episodic memory is a kind of memory for events that occurred in a particular place at a particular time.

This course is an investigation to distinguish episodic memory, which is memory of personal events, from semantic memory, which is general knowledge independent of time and place.

Objective To investigate the selectivity of episodic memory aging and its variability in relation to anxiety.

Neuroscientists have long believed that the brain's so-called episodic memory circuits are largely involved in remembering past events or occurrences.

Episodic memory is our memory for events in their sequence of occurrence, usually associated with some form of tagging for time, place, other people present, and so forth.

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Since episodic memory is closely relative to self and consciousness, studies on episodic memory will reveal the relationship between memory and consciousness.

The problem is especially serious for an episodic memory, which is a unique category that ties together a series of elements.

  • episodic plot
  • episodic memory examples
  • episodic definition




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