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词汇 enthusiastic support
释义 enthusiastic support
enthusiastic support发音




athletic support───运动支持

athletic supports───运动支撑




athletic supporter───男用护肾带;运动员的下部护套

community support───社区支持

consistent support───一贯支持



This struggle has been the United States and the world laboring women's enthusiastic support and response.───这一斗争得到了美国和世界广大劳动妇女的热烈支持和响应。

U. S. space program enjoyed broad, enthusiastic support during the race to land a man on the Moon.───月球登陆竞赛中,美国的太空项目获得了大众的热烈支持。

But as the Baltic republics started galloping towards freedom, with Mr Yeltsin's enthusiastic support, that changed.───但是,在叶利钦先生的热心帮助下,由于波罗的海诸国争取到了自由。

And surveys of American judges who preside over trials indicate their overwhelming and enthusiastic support for the jury system.───对主持庭审的美国法官的调查也表明他们中的绝大多数人大力支持陪审团制度。

Playful challenges are also being developed that are expected to rally enthusiastic support within these large membership groups.───设计些有意思的挑战来激起大家的热情,在大的成员组织内部相互支持。

Thank you for your enthusiastic support.───谢谢你们的热情支持。

Fewer blacks can afford good lawyers. Many are ensnared by race-neutral laws that passed with the enthusiastic support of black lawmakers.───黑人极少能请得起好律师,而受到黑人立法委员热心支持的“不考虑种族因素法律”(race-neutrallaw)使很多黑人陷入困境。

The U. S. space program enjoyed broad, enthusiastic support during the race to land a man on the Moon.───在载人月球登陆竞赛中,美国的太空项目获得了大众的热烈支持。


It sailed through Congress with the enthusiastic support of its new small business contingent and was signed into law by President Clinton.

The dimensions of her achievement are still not understood, even by the conservative publications that gave her their moderately enthusiastic support.

His foreboding quickly turned to enthusiastic support when he saw her in action.

The plan has the enthusiastic support of local councillors, who believe it will bring tourism and industry to the area.

In this, they did need the enthusiastic support of the chairperson.

Gilmore won the enthusiastic support of religious-right voters because of his views on abortion.

There is enthusiastic support for a new high school.

This week-end event continues to excite enthusiastic support, demonstrating the strength of community life which exists in Kidlington.

But given that enthusiastic support, Apple ads tend to underperform on the web; only one has made Ad Age's viral chart in the past year, which is typically populated by lesser marketers.





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