

词汇 empire state building
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Empire State Building───帝国大厦(位于美国纽约州)

the Empire State Building───帝国大厦


enter a building───进入建筑物

apartment building───(美)[建]公寓大楼

demolish a building───拆毁建筑物

derelict building───废弃建筑

embassy building───大使馆大楼

empire builder───帝国缔造者


Despite my own fear of heights, I felt more grounded than I have on other vertical tourist attractions such as the Eiffel Tower or the Empire State Building.───尽管我自己有恐高症,但与参观埃菲尔铁塔或帝国大厦 等其他垂直旅游景点的感受相比,我感觉更踏实。

Jane: What do you think the about Empire State Building?───简: 你觉得帝国大厦 怎么样 ?

The Empire State Building is struck about 25 times every year.───帝国大厦每年会被电击约二十五次.

Annie rushes into the Empire State Building.───安妮冲进了帝国大厦.

The Empire State Building does not sway.───纽约州建筑(EmpireStateBuilding)并不会摇摆.

He escapes and climbs to the top of the Empire State Building, where he is killed by airplanes.───他成功逃脱,爬上帝国大厦,后来被战斗机射杀。

The height of the Empire State Building belittles the houses around it.───帝国大厦的高度使它周遭的房屋显得渺小.

The Empire State Building is a colossal structure.───帝国大厦宏伟壮观.

Be this the one right for empire state building?───帝国大厦是否这站下车?

An example in New York City is the Empire State Building.───例如在纽约市的帝国大厦.

Walter: So, he could be on top of the Empire State Building now.───华; 那么, 他现在可能在帝国大厦顶层.

The Empire State Building is a famous skyscraper.───帝国大厦是一座著名的摩天大楼.

Jo: The Empire State Building.───乔: 帝国大厦.

Did you go up the empire state building?───你登上帝国大厦了 吗 ?

After that they built the Empire State Building which was even taller.───此后他们建造了更高的帝国大厦.

The Empire State Building is a familiar landmark on the New York skyline.───帝国大厦是人们熟悉的纽约高楼大厦中的地标。

A : Wow , this is the famous Empire State Building.───喔, 这就是著名的帝国大厦.


Hey, you can see the Empire State Building from here.

The Empire State Building is going up for sale.

The Empire State Building is a famous landmark on the New York skyline.

The Empire State Building does not sway.

The Empire State Building has been moved a few blocks uptown.

Annie rushes into the Empire State Building.

The Empire State Building is a familiar landmark on the New York skyline.

Just as the Empire State Building contains hundreds of companies, so could all our big school buildings contain many schools.

Did you go up the empire state building?

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