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词汇 emerald green
释义 emerald green
emerald green发音

n.鲜绿色; 翠; 翠绿


emerald greens───鲜绿色


emerald greener───翡翠绿

emerald greenest───翡翠绿

beryl green───绿柱石绿

Emerald Isle───绿宝石岛(爱尔兰岛的别名)

Kelly green───鲜黄绿色;黄绿色

Kendal green───肯德尔绿

beryl greens───绿柱石绿


Emerald green is excluded.───不含宝石翠绿色.

Heavy rains have washed nutrients into the lake, turning the usually clearer waters emerald green.───暴雨已将养分冲入湖中,把一向清澈的湖水变成了翠绿色。

The emerald green Chinese cabbage made of jade is very valuable.───这个翠生生的玉白菜,价值连城.

Natural dyed emerald green and green in the end what is different?───翡翠的自然绿色和染成的绿色到底有什么不同 呢 ?

So, emerald green will do.───那么翠绿色的吧.

Cornelius Fudge wears a pinstriped cloak, a violet top hat, emerald green trousers, etc.───康奈利?福吉穿着细条纹斗篷 、 紫罗兰礼帽 、 翡翠绿裤子等等.

the walls whispering of emerald green, claret and sky blue, they now shout luxury.───这些墙壁并没有闪耀着翡翠绿,葡萄红,天空蓝,它们现在只是在叫嚣着一种奢华。

The lily of the valley in winter draw on emerald green breath.───冬天的铃兰,吸引着翠绿的呼吸.

The Americans’ night-vision goggles cast the scene in pixellated shades of emerald green.───美国士兵的夜视镜上翡翠绿的pixellated shades(应该是一种镜片名称,未查证)投射出了现场的景象。

A transparent emerald - green variety of spodumene, used as a gemstone.───'翠绿'.'' 锂 浑石一种透明的黄色到绿色的锂辉石, 是一种''.'宝石'. ''.

Now and more emerald green mountain mountain.───此时山更翠,山更清.

Once dry, Squeak preened his sparkling emerald - green garb.───刚一见干, “佳乐”就用嘴梳理起那身晶莹翠绿的羽衣来.

They consist of twelve tablets of emerald green, formed from a substance created through alchemical transmutation.───它们由十二块翠绿的石板(翡翠)所组成, 通过炼金术转变产生的物质形成.

Cornelius Fudge a pinstriped cloak a violet top hat, emerald green trousers, etc.───康奈利?吉穿着细条纹斗篷、罗兰礼帽 、 翠绿裤子等等.

McGonagall wears emerald green robes ( SS 7 ).───麦格身穿翠绿色长袍 ( 魔法石,第7章 ).

The emerald green lake is the most precious gem around North Rocky Mountains 1000 km long.───这碧玉翡翠,也是数千公里的北落矶山脉最珍贵的瑰宝.

I have to say, the scenery in Europe is really pretty. Everywhere around emerald green trees.───欧洲的风景真的很美,四处都是绿油油的, 满布翠绿的树木.

Vigorous young red elm trees thrust emerald - green crowns through a canopy of waist - high weeds.───生机盎然的小红榆树从齐腰高的杂草从中探出翠绿的花冠.


They consist of twelve tablets of emerald green, formed from a substance created through alchemical transmutation.

She had on an emerald green housecoat in vivid contrast to her neatly combed black hair.

The emerald green gown gaped open.

Bog grass on lower ground shone orange, emerald green or gold.

The emerald green Chinese cabbage made of jade is very valuable.

That is one has emerald green wood, clear and laky the fair the Holy land with fine Xue Fengfei.

This turns the emerald green 140-proof liquor a cloudy opalescent colour.

She wore an emerald green silk shirt, a very short black leather skirt and black tights.

The thin gown of emerald green silk was quite inadequate to the task of concealing what lay beneath.

  • emeraldine base
  • emerald eyes
  • emeraldine rings




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