Antarctic prion───南极朊病毒
Antarctic Circle───[地理]南极圈
Antarctic prions───南极朊病毒
Antarctic Ocean───南冰洋
Antarctic Plate───[地质]南极洲板块
Antarctic Zone───[地理]南极带
Antarctic beech───n.斜假水青冈木
Abstr: Antarctic krill trawl with small mesh has the features of small specification, convenient operation and is timesaving in picking and placing net.───文章摘要:小网目南极磷虾拖网有规格小、操作方便、起放网省时的特点。
Photo 7 :Swarms of krill, a cornerstone of the entire Antarctic food chain, feed on phytoplankton that grows on the underside of sea ice.───图7: 成群的磷虾是整个南极动物食物链的基础。 它们以浮游生物为食,生长在海冰的上层。
Antarctic krill, such as this specimen in the Weddell Sea with a stomach full of yellow algae, are a critical link in the ocean food web.
K : Antarctic krill oil gelcaps, 500 mg each. How many do you take?
- antarctic krill