

词汇 端午节刘很高兴用英语怎么说
释义 端午节刘很高兴用英语怎么说

Liu is very happy on the Dragon Boat Festival


端午节───The Dragon Boat Festival;刘───Liu


Dragon Boat Festival is coming near.───端午节快到了。

AT length , the Dragon - boat Festival came and went in an atmosphere of unrest.───旧历端阳节终于在惴惴不安中过去了.

We talked about the Dragon Boat Festival.───我们谈到了端午节。

Tomorrow is the Dragon Boat Festival.───明天是端午节。

KaKa tried to find out much more about the Dragon Boat Festival.───卡卡想尽可能多的了解中国的端午节方面的情况.

May : Yes ! Actually, the Dragon Boat Festival is coming soon!───有 呀! 实际上, 端午节就快到了!


The Dragon Boat Festival is also called May Festival. Traditional customs include making rice dumplings, dragon boat races and hanging moxa.

The Dragon Boat Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.

Go down on one's knees seeking the Dragon Boat Festival elementary school English composition!

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