

词汇 electric furnace
释义 electric furnace
electric furnace发音



electric furnaces───电炉

electric fence───电丝网;电围网

electric-arc furnace───[冶]电弧炉

electric-arc furnaces───[冶]电弧炉

electric fences───电丝网;电围网

electric fire───电暖炉,电热器

electric arc───电弧

electric current───[电]电流

electric fan───n.[电]电扇


Electric furnace is major equipment of zinc powder reduction smelting.───电炉是锌粉工艺进行还原熔炼的承载设备。

Furnace acid is made by reducing phosphate rock with loke in an electric furnace.───炉酸是在电炉中用焦炭还原磷矿制得的.

The loss of copper in electric furnace slag during flash smelting operation is described.───介绍了在闪速熔炼过程中,铜在电炉渣中的损失状况.

This paper introduces a bell type electric furnace with gas forced circulating for annealing or tempering.───本文介绍江西电炉厂设计制造的电加热强对流罩式退火炉.

In the 20th century the electric furnace has replaced it in countries with inexpensive electric power.───到20世纪,在许多电能便宜的国家中,此法已为电炉所取代。

Electric Furnace with double deslagging or in the basic oxygen furnace.───如双除渣电炉或基本氧炉.

In current through a conductor joule heat generated by the electric furnace for the heat source.───以电流通过导体所产生的焦耳热为热源的电炉。

VD electric furnace is a king of degasification equipment from molten steel during steel making process.───VD真空精炼炉主要是用来生产重轨、钢帘线等高附加值的钢种.

It includes three steps - hot metal granulation, solid state decarbonization and electric furnace melting down.───本文提出一种铁水粒化-固态脱碳 - 电炉重熔制备工业纯铁的新工艺.

The design, equipment selection and characteristics of 6 MVA electric furnace flue gas recovery system are introduced.───介绍了6MVA电炉烟气回收除尘系统的设计 、 设备选择及系统特点.

By refining methods steels can be divided open - hearth furnace steel, converter steel, and electric furnace steel.───按冶炼方法,钢可分为 平炉 钢 、 转炉钢和电炉钢.

VD electric furnace is a king of degasification equipment from molten steel steel making process.───VD炉是冶金行业冶炼过程中的一种钢液脱气设备.

Graphite Electrode is mainly used steel - making in electric furnace, mineral hot furnace and electric resistance furnace.───石墨电极石墨电极主要用于电炉炼钢及矿热电炉和电阻炉.


The loss of copper in electric furnace slag during flash smelting operation is described.

Magnesium-calcium brick, magnesium-calcium carbon brick, electric furnace top brick.

He pressed on, thinking big, planning the largest electric furnace in the world.

Sentencedict.com is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

A smelting electric furnace, an improvement was adopted to decrease the unit electricity consumption.

VD electric furnace is a king of degasification equipment from molten steel steel making process.

Electric Furnace with double deslagging or in the basic oxygen furnace.

This paper introduces a bell type electric furnace with gas forced circulating for annealing or tempering.

The electric furnaces now used to produce high quality steel, depend almost entirely on scrap for furnace feed.

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