

词汇 elastic tissue
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elastic tissues───弹性组织



;ain tissue───脑组织

elastic clause───弹性条款

elastic limit───[力]弹性极限;[力]弹性限度

elastic limits───[力]弹性极限;[力]弹性限度




Scars have a blood supply but no oil glands or elastic tissue, so they can be slightly painful or itchy.───瘢痕可供血,但没有皮脂腺或弹性组织,因此会有轻微的疼痛感和瘙痒。

Colon neoplasm; Venous invasion; Elastic tissue stain; Prognosis.───结肠肿瘤;血管侵犯;弹力纤维染色;预后。

Muscle is the tough, elastic tissue that makes body parts move.───肌肉是坚韧而又具有弹性的组织,能使身体部位活动。

Compliance is the dilating extent of elastic tissue below pressure.───顺应性是指外力作用下弹性组织的可扩张性.


Colon neoplasm; Venous invasion; Elastic tissue stain; Prognosis.

Contents can help firming and regeneration muscle of elastic tissue. Activities the muscle cell tightly again.

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A single layer of cells called the endothelium lines the walls of every blood vessel in the body. Along with a layer of elastic tissue, the endothelium comprises what is called the intima.

Autogenous umbibicalcord is elastic tissue and no toxicity could relax the abdominal press effectively after the operation, the survive-rate is high.

Compliance is the dilating extent of elastic tissue below pressure.

Aortic and pulmonary valve's leaflets mainly consist of collagenous tissue, their walls and sinuses mainly consist of elastic tissue.

Varicose veins leg symptoms in the early, middle of the elastic tissue and muscle tissue are thickened, this change can be seen as venous pressure sparked by the compensatory response.

The QS molecules also switch on bacterial weapons such as 'elastase', an enzyme which breaks down elastic tissue in the lung.

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