Trade your pen for your ruler
This dratted pen won't work.───这该死的笔写不出字来。
Almost as a reflex action, I grab my pen as the phone rings.───就像是本能反应, 电话铃一响我就攥住钢笔.
Where's that goddamned pen?───那该死的笔哪去了?
I've been all over the shop trying to find that pen.───我一直在找那支钢笔.
Pen it before you forget it.───记下来,免得忘了.
As Jim bent over to pick up the pen, he felt a sharp pain in his back.───吉姆弯腰捡起钢笔时, 觉得背部一阵刺痛.
I've lost my pen.───我丢掉了一支笔.
Where's the top of this pen?───这支笔的笔帽在哪儿?
This lousy pen really drives me mad!───这支破笔真气人!
The lawyer nib his pen, spread out his paper, and prepared to write.───那律师装上笔尖; 摊开纸张, 准备缮写.
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