go down the drain───v.白费心机;前功尽弃;每况愈下
on the brain───念念不忘;着迷
down the line───adv.完全地;沿着街道;adj.彻底的
down the road───在路边;一段时间之后
down the hatch───干杯(饮酒前朋友之间的互祝之词)
down the tube───在管子下面
down the tubes───把管子放下
" Every penny of ten years'savings down the drain!───“ 我是十年宦囊,尽付东流!
I don't like to throw my money down the drain.───我不愿把我的钱白扔掉.
He lamented that four years of his life had gone down the drain because of an injury to his groin.───他痛惜他四年的生活就因大腿根部的伤被毁掉了。
It's just money down the drain, you know.───你要知道,这是白白丢钱。
He's not going to let it go down the drain now.───现在他也不会让它白白丧失掉.
Development in this area is reckoned as money poured down the drain.───发展这个地区被认为是浪费钱财.
The water swirled down the drain.───水打着旋流进了下水道。
They were aware that their public image was rapidly going down the drain.───他们意识到他们的公众形象正迅速被毁掉。
The chemical that we poured down the drain unclogged it.───我们在困难面前扫除障碍.
And the money was not poured down the drain.───而且这些钱并没打水漂.
Ho hum, another nice job down the drain.───,又一份好工作泡汤了。
The company was still going down the drain.───公司仍是每况愈下.
Small local stores are going down the drain.───当地的小店都倒闭了。
He poured the cold tea down the drain.───他把凉茶倒进下水道.
The results of years of work went down the drain.───多年工作的成果全都白费了.
She tipped the dirty water down the drain.───她把脏水倒入了下水道。
Oh, my God! All my efforts, have gone down the drain.───噢, 天 啊,我的努力已是前功尽弃了.
The results of years of work went down the drain.
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