Face by butt scald how should do?───脸被烟头烫伤了该怎么办?
Method: 46 cases of scald were treated with MEBO and followedup for one year.───方法: 对46例烫伤患者全程应用MEBO治疗,观察,并进行为期一年的随访.
Don't scald your hands when you open the steamer.───掀笼屉时小心热气嘘着手.
Wash the mushrooms and cut a cross at the bottom . Scald , rinse and drain, set aside.───草菇洗净,在顶部?十字, 汆水,过冷河,沥乾水份.
Can excuse me scald leave scar?───请问烫伤会留疤 吗 ?
In order to prevent potential scald injury, install an antiscald tempering valve in the water system.───为了防止可能发生的烫伤事故, 请在热水管道系统上安装一个防烫伤调节阀门.
What is the best cure of scald?───烫伤的最好治疗是什么?
Be careful not to scald yourself with the steam.───小心别让蒸汽把你烫着。
Scald the needles to sterilize them.
Don't scald yourself with that kettle!
Scald the milk and add it to the bowl.
Don't scald your lips in another man's porridge.
Scald the milk and then add it to the egg and sugar mixture.
- 避免烫伤用英语怎么说
- 烫伤用英语怎么说
- scalds mean
- scalds burn
- scalds synonym
- scald pokemon
- scald evaporated milk
- scalded skin
- scalded skin syndrome
- scalded skin disease
- scalded milk temp
- scalded by boiling water