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词汇 dotted lines
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dotted line───(尤指文件上指示签名处的)虚线

bottom lines───结果;概要;账本底线;关键

date lines───n.日界线,国际日期变更线

clothes lines───晒衣绳

crossed lines───电话干扰

State lines───州界线;物态线

added lines───添加的行

agate lines───报纸广告大小的单位

battle lines───战线;主战部队


Country boundaries are shown on this map as dotted lines.───这张地图上国界以虚线标出。

These are dotted lines.───这些是有点的线。

This indicates that for each connection in the connection pool, we will have four sessions in the session pool, indicated in the figure by dotted lines.───这表明对于连接池中的每个连接,会话池中都有四个会话,如图中虚线所示。

The small part which returns via an air path is called the leakage flu and is indicated by dotted lines .───一小部分经空气路径返回的磁通量,叫做漏磁通量,并用虚线画出。

When the grid is turned on, controls appear to "snap to" the dotted lines of the grid as if magnetized.───若网格是打开的,则控件看起来与网格的虚线“对齐”,就像被吸住似的。

One of her friends, ". . . painted the woman's nude body with dotted lines to represent cuts of meat. "───她的一个朋友,“…在女人的裸体画上星罗棋布的线条代表一块块的肉。”

Use them in 3D scenes for star fields, or dotted lines on the surface of a polygon.───它们在3D场景中绘制星形物或者多边形表面的点划线。

Please note that we used dotted lines between the layers to represent connections representing all possible inheritance relationships.───请注意,我们在各层之间使用了虚线,来表示所有可能的继承关系的连接。

Dotted lines generally produce better result in visual search performance than folded lines when comparing between the two experiments.───比较实验一和实验二之结果,则显示直接线索为「虚线」的搜索绩效优于「折线」。


Cut along the dotted lines.

The boundaries of provinces are marked with dotted lines.

Using a pair of scissors, cut carefully along the dotted lines.

Partial cDNA clones are shown by dotted lines at the 5' end; translation termination codons are indicated by an asterisk.

I have outlined its possible shape with dotted lines, but, of course, this is pure guess-work.

On this map, demarcations between regions are shown with dotted lines.

The dotted lines indicate which AO's contribute significantly to each MO.

The three dotted lines have different elevations and denote differences in relative organ size associated with changes in life style.

Gridlines are displayed in the form of dotted lines.

  • dotted quaver




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