

词汇 dollar bill
释义 dollar bill
dollar bill发音



dollar bills───美元钞票

collar cell───[无脊椎]领细胞;襟细胞

dollar sign───美元符;货币符号


collar cells───[无脊椎]领细胞;襟细胞

dollar signs───美元符;货币符号

clean bill───[金融]光票,清洁汇票


If you know these, maybe you know the pictures on a ten, twenty or even a fifty dollar bill.───如果你知道这些的话,那你可能也知道十美元、二十美元甚至五十美元钞票上的像。

Here's a five dollar bill—please keep the change.───这是一张五元的钞票—零钱就不用找了。

It's ironic that we place so much value on a dollar bill, and yet we often minimize where true value is found.───我们那么重视一张只值一元的钞票,却往往贬低了有真正价值的东西,真是很讽刺。

'Take out a dollar bill in the remotest place in world and people will recognize it, ' he said.───他说,即使是在世界最偏远的地区拿出一张美元纸币,人们也能认得它。

" One boy answers, " We found a ten dollar bill and decided to give it to whoever tells the biggest lie.───“一个男孩子说:”我们发现了十元钱,决定给那个能说出最大谎言的人。

The waitress quickly went to get change for her hundred dollar bill, but the old lady had slipped right out the door.───女招待迅速走开拿着整钱去换零,但是那位女士却悄悄闪出了门外。

He was several times caught trying to put off a counterfeit ten-dollar bill.───他几次被人发现企图混用掉一张10元的伪钞。

Each person knows how much a dollar bill is worth, not everyone knows what it takes to make that corn.───每一个人都知道一美元钞票值多少,但并不是每一个人知道种玉米需要什么。


Would you exchange this one hundred dollar bill with five twenties? 100.

  • dollar bill
  • dollar store
  • dollar bimorgan
  • dollar tree online
  • dollar bills




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