

词汇 dog handler
释义 dog handler
dog handler发音




dog handlers───驯狗师;警犬训练员

door handles───门把手

food handler───食物处理人员

dog fancier───爱犬爱好者

dog paddle───狗爬式游泳

dog paddles───狗爬式游泳

door handle───门把手

to handle───办理;从事;经营某商品

dog fanciers───爱狗者


I probably spend more time and money on my dogs in one year than they have in a whole lifetime," said Paul, a breeder and dog handler in Catskill, n.y..───我一年中在狗狗身上投入的金钱和时间比有些人一辈子花费的都多,”保罗说。

They spent years in custodypending legal hearings, but when one of them attacked a dog handler, authorities ordered them to be put down.───他们被拘留看守所,但其中的一条狗又开始攻击了另一条狗,当局命令将他们杀死。

Armed officers, six police cars, a dog handler and the police helicopter responded.───武装的官员 、 六辆警车 、 狗经理和警察直升机反应了.

Above a dog handler waits as British soldiers are briefed on the night convoy route they will take from the main British base at Basra Airport to Kuwait on Feb. 11 2009.───上图当中,一位英军的警犬员正在等待命令安排,从而从巴士拉机场的英军主基地撤离前往科威特,照片拍摄于2009年2月11日。


Dog lovers brought their pets in tow as they lined the streets of Wootton Bassett yesterday to pay their respects to an Army dog handler and his Springer spaniel who died in Afghanistan.

Dog handler, scuba diver, a spell in the flying squad, warrant officer by 1973.

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