

词汇 水赶走了炎热用英语怎么说
释义 水赶走了炎热用英语怎么说

The water drove away the heat


赶走───drive away


You'd better drive away your cares.───你最好摆脱烦恼.

Drive away potential burglars '; drive away bad thoughts; dispel doubts.───赶走潜在的夜贼; 驱走坏思想; 驱散疑虑.

Maybe you have social faults which drive away new acquaintances.───也许你有这样那样的社交缺点,驱走了你的新相识.

They just push Justin and Paul into the back of a green van and drive away.───他们把贾斯汀和保罗推入绿货车的后箱.然后把车开走了.

Being on one's high horse may drive away one's friends.───如果一个人很骄傲,他的朋友会因此而离开他。

Maybe you have social faults such as snobbishness, talkativeness, and, etc. which drive away new acquaintances.───也许你有社交方面的缺点,诸如势利 、 饶舌 、 出语粗俗等,使你的新相识退避三舍.

Why would a man's first instinct be to drive away from the only family he's got?───为什么一个人的第一反应是驾车远离他唯一的亲人?

We bought some beach wormwood to drive away mosquitoes.───夏天我们买了些蒌蒿来驱蚊.

Some cafe owners also said they were concerned the ban would drive away customers.───一些网吧业主也表示,他们担心这项禁令将会赶走所有吸烟的顾客.

Only coward, would meet mountain to round drive away, meet water to turn to turn head.───只有懦夫, 才会遇山绕开走, 遇水转回头.

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