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词汇 dining out
释义 dining out
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digging out───掘出;发现

dipping out───汲取

dishing out───给予,分发

driving out───驱赶;开车外出

editing out───编辑中删除

finding out───v.找出,查明;发现,揭发

finking out───发现

minding out───注意;当心

raining out───v.因下雨取消(或延期)


If you are dining out for your first date, hold the chair out for your date and help her sit.───如果你与她第一次约会时就餐,先为她拿出椅子,帮助她先就座。

Dining out after 6 p.m. meant going hungry - most restaurants were closing by then.───下午6点出去吃饭,那就意味着挨饿了——大多数餐馆那个时候已经关门了。

Ms. Gail's parents, who had been living comfortably in retirement, quit dining out.───过着悠闲退休生活的盖尔的父母也不再下馆子吃饭了.

Don't prepare anything for dick tonight, he'll be dining out.───今晚不用给狄克做饭了, 他要在外边吃.

It's Jane's birthday, so we're dining out tonight at a special little restaurant we know.───今天是简的生日, 所以我们今晚将到一家我们熟悉的很别致的小餐馆去吃饭.

I am dining out tonight.───今晚我将出去吃饭.

Have you ever thought of dining out this evening?───你想过今晚外出吃饭 吗 ?

During her spare time, Tina enjoys shopping trips and dining out.───闲暇之余, 蒂娜喜欢购物和在外吃饭.

They'll be dining out on this for months!───这足以让她们茶余饭后聊上几个月!

Don't prepare anything for me tonight, I shall be dining out.───今晚不必为我们准备饭了, 我要在外面吃饭.

She does not enjoy parties or dining out.───她不喜欢参加派对,也不喜欢出去吃饭。

Enjoy dining out and experiencing different restaurants and cookies styles?───想要享受美味的晚餐和经历风格不同的餐厅,各地的独特的美食?

Although the main attraction was the soup, Roze's chain shops also set a new standard for dining out, which helped to establish Roze as the inventor of the modern restaurant.───虽然罗兹连锁店里最热门的菜式是汤,但店里也为外出就餐制定了新的标准,这使得罗兹成为现代餐厅的发明者。

Spend discretionary income on experiences, such as dining out and travel, instead of purchasing goods.───把闲钱花在体验上, 比如说去外面吃餐饭,旅游, 而不是去购物.

Dining out during the festive season is a relatively new concept for Chinese mainland.───在中国大陆,春节期间下馆子吃饭是一种相对时新的概念.


Forget about fibre while dining out.

Dining out is a real pleasure with a wide and tempting choice of menus and venues at a very affordable prices.

The trials and tribulations of dining out, as experienced by an environmentally conscious broadcaster.

But the dining out, being, as I have stated, a constant element, does not in the least affect a comparative statement like this.

This will make dining out much easier and of course extends the variety of protein foods beyond fish, chicken and cottage cheese!

Many people would like to have the same kind of choice when dining out.

For months I've been dining out on the story of what happened when my house got flooded.

Dining out in attractive surroundings is one of life's great pleasures.

Spend discretionary income on experiences, such as dining out and travel, instead of purchasing goods.

  • dining sets
  • dining at home and eating out
  • dining set
  • dining table




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