gastric juice───n.[生化]胃液
gastric juices───n.[生化]胃液
gastric ulcer───[内科]胃溃疡
hamstring muscle───腱肌
hamstring muscles───腿后肌群
cardiac muscle───n.[解剖]心肌
line between lateral semicircular canals and crista of digastric muscle is the mark of mastoid segment.───半规管至二腹肌嵴前端是面神经乳突段的标志线。
Center control the masticatory muscles activity by restraining the constriction of jaw-elevator muscles not the antagonistic muscles such as anterior belly of the digastric muscle.───中枢控制咀嚼肌收缩能力大小主要由抑制闭口肌的收缩来完成,而作为闭口肌的拮抗肌、二腹肌前腹的作用有待于进一步研究。
The applied anatomy of the periosteal flap composed of submental artery and digastric muscle───颏下动脉二腹肌前腹为蒂下颌骨膜瓣的解剖
Periosteal flap of anterovent of digastric muscle-mandible to renovate laryngotracheal stenosis: an applied anatomical study───二腹肌前腹-下颌骨膜瓣修复喉气管应用解剖学研究
anterior belly of digastric muscle───二腹肌前腹
Center control the masticatory muscles activity by restraining the constriction of jaw-elevator muscles not the antagonistic muscles such as anterior belly of the digastric muscle.
The line between lateral semicircular canals and crista of digastric muscle is the mark of mastoid segment.
- digastric muscle