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词汇 dies down
释义 dies down
dies down发音



die down───逐渐消失

died down───逐渐消失

does down───欺骗;胜过;说…坏话

lies down───躺下

ties down───束缚;约束;栓系

cries down───vt.贬低;喝止

dials down───调低;降低

dress down───叱责;着朴素的服装;梳刷

lives down───活下来


Cleaning activity gradually dies down throughout the rest of the day.───清洁活动在一天中的其余时间渐渐减少。

Once you begin to understand this and how it manifests itself, the anger dies down.───只要你开始理解这是怎样表现的,愤怒自然消失了。

After a while, of course, the excitement dies down.───当然,过了一会儿,兴奋也就没了。

But when the wind dies down, the surface of the water settles down. And soon the water is still again.───风停了,水面也慢慢稳下来,不久水面又静止了。

They call any time of the day, but they are most easily heard in the evening when the wind dies down and wolves are most active.───狼在一天的任何时候都会嚎叫,只是在风平息的晚上,它们的叫声会更清晰,此时的狼是最活跃的。

In areas where the wind dies down, backup electricity from a utility company or from an energy storage system becomes necessary.───在那些风力会衰退的地区,来自于效用公司或者电力储存系统的备份电力变得尤为重要。

After the excitement over the historic election dies down, the next president will face some serious domestic and international issues.───在这次历史性选举的尘埃落定后,新一届总统将面临一些国内、国际方面的严肃问题。

But when the office lights switch off and the hum of the server room dies down, Linux goes out to party.───但是当办公室的灯关闭之后,服务器的嗡嗡声消停之后,Linux也就停止工作了。

At the least, it underlines the growing confidence of the government of Nuri al-Maliki (pictured with Mr Obama) as the fighting dies down.───至少,他强调了Nurial-Maliki(上图,奥巴马右)政府在战事逐渐远去时的信心。


Even if the fighting dies down, no answer is in sight to the political crisis.

You should find that with regular watering and feeding until the foliage dies down naturally the situation will improve next year.

At night, when the hospital bustle dies down, the stillness can match the blackness under the blindfold.

  • diesel generator
  • dies irae




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