do with───利用,处理;需要;忍受;与……相处
in with───同…友好相处
did without───没有…也行;摒弃
doing with───利用,处理;需要;忍受;与……相处
lived with───忍受;承认;寄宿在…家;与…同居
deal with───处理;涉及;做生意
does with───利用,处理;需要;忍受;与……相处
done with───完毕
down with───打倒;把…拿下
It compares what you did with what you planned to do.───它将您做的和计划做的进行比较。
I felt studies I was participating in would help other people so that they won't have to go through what I did with my own relatives.───我觉得我正在参加的研究会帮助其他人,这样的话他们就不用经历我和我的亲人所遭遇的麻烦。
First, you can take the same approach as you did with properties; you can serialize the required arguments together into a single type of string.───首先,可以采用与处理复杂属性相同的方法;可以将所需的多个参数序列化在一起,形成一个字符串类型的参数。
His new hobby is now debate and he hopes that he can impress the girl with his skills there, just as he did with his singing.───如今,他又新添了一个爱好——辩论。他希望自己的辩论技巧能令心上人刮目相看,就像他的演唱一样。
I toy with him a little, same as he did with me.───我做了个假动作,就像他对我做的一样。
Just as he did with Einstein and Benjamin Franklin, Walter Isaacson is telling a unique story of revolutionary genius.───就像与爱因斯坦和本杰明.富兰克林一样,沃尔特.艾萨克森给我们讲述了一个变革天才的故事。
I was really led by her and how much she was able to handle, in the same way as I did with Father Christmas and the tooth fairy.───我真的是由她,以及她能够掌控多少,所引导的。就与我告诉她关于圣诞老人和牙齿仙女的一样。
The Flex UI, using BlazeDS to connect to the JMS queues, then receives the messages on the queues just as it did with the REST web services.───Flex用户界面则使用BlazeDS来连接JMS队列,从队列中接收消息,正如它在RESTWeb服务中做的那样。
As shown in Listing 13, you define a resultsPanel in a nested closure just as you did with the searchPanel.───如清单13所示,像对待searchPanel那样,在嵌套的闭包中定义resultsPanel。
What Clinton did with the veterans' budget illustrates the dilemma the White House faces with many politically sensitive constituencies.
I'd love to tell you what he did with it but I must not get distracted from the task in hand.
Same as you did with the girl, duplicate the hair, desaturate it, set it to Hard Light and Opacity of 75%.
I can't remember what I did with my pen.
It didn't hurt so much as it did with my Dad passing away.
But they did, with a fervour that would have amazed the feminists of their grandmothers' generation.
What I did with the dossers is put them in very strange settings.
Everything she did she did with Peter in mind.
She could innovate and experiment, which she did, with real panache and obvious enjoyment.
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