

词汇 dessert wine
释义 dessert wine
dessert wine发音




dessert wines───餐后甜酒

dessert menu───甜点菜单

dessert apple───甜点苹果

dessert menus───甜点菜单


desert lynx───薮猫

desert sun───沙漠太阳


dessert bowl───甜品碗


A delicious , full - bodied and rich dessert wine , with an excellent balance between sweetness and acidity.───在甜度和酸度之间的平衡可以说达到完美.

It is an excellent dessert wine, particularly with ripe, blue cheese.───最适宜与甜点相搭配饮用, 特别是与成熟的绿奶酪相配.

latter's dessert wine was praised by Napoleon Bonaparte and Jane Austen.───稍后是曾被拿破仑和见奥斯汀赞扬过的甜品酒。

ABSTRACT: This article talks about the methods of making dessert wine.───摘要:本文介绍了几种酿造甜葡萄酒的方式。

Wine steward: Why don't you dessert wine?───酒服务员: 为何不来甜点酒 呢 ?

Dark brown potter has generally smell dry fruit, is fit to be a dessert wine.───茶色波特一般有着好闻的干果香,适合于做餐后甜点酒。

Among them was cassis, a black currant dessert wine.───桌上摆放着黑醋栗, 一种黑加仑甜酒.

Best Serve chilled as an aperitif or dessert wine.───冰冻后作餐前开胃酒或餐后独饮.


Bual is a medium to dark dessert wine which is full-bodied and very fragrant.

Our style of dessert wine provides a wonderful balance between the lusciousness of the botrytis affected grapes and the intense fruit characters of the unaffected grapes.

Wine steward:Why don't you have dessert wine?

Only the glasses for the roast and dessert wine, of course.

Serve dessert wines with a slice of Christmas cake, pudding, or my two desserts.

Among them was cassis, a black currant dessert wine.

Wine steward: Why don't you dessert wine?

Best Serve chilled as an aperitif or dessert wine.

It is an excellent dessert wine, particularly with ripe, blue cheese.http://Sentencedict.com

  • dessert menu
  • dessert ctr
  • dessert shop
  • dessert means
  • dessert person
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