Spring is the best time to fly kites
春天───spring;放风筝───fly a kite
Spring is the prime time for planting trees.───春天是植树的最好时间.
The spring wind is gentle and caressing.───春风和畅.
Spring scenery provokes people's interest.───春色撩人.
Nature is at its best in spring.───春天的大自然是最美的.
Let's sow our field with spring wheat.───让我们在田里种春小麦吧.
The streams are flush with the spring runoff.───溪涧涨满春水.
Spring rains quickened the earth.───春雨使大地充满生机.
The spring had been unusually dry and we received only two tenths of an inch of rain during the entire month of June.───春天异常干旱,我们在整个6月只有0.2英寸的降雨量。
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