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词汇 deficiency diseases
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deficiency disease───[内科]营养缺乏病

vitamin deficiency diseases───维生素缺乏病

vitamin deficiency disease───维生素缺乏病

deficiency judgments───缺陷判断

Reiters diseases───雷氏病

Vincents diseases───文森特病

celiac diseases───乳糜泻;脂泻病


deficiency payments───差额补贴


medical problems are getting due to malnutrition is called deficiency diseases.───营养不良造成的医学问题称作营养缺乏症。

Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiency diseases and affects children's health seriously.───铁缺乏症是一种常见的严重危害儿童健康的营养缺乏症。

Micronutrient Deficiency Diseases.───微量元素缺乏病。

The medical problems are getting due to malnutrition is called deficiency diseases.───由营养不良造成的医学问题称作营养缺乏症。

Lack of vitamin B2 will lead to the mouth, lips, skin, genital inflammation and dysfunction, known as riboflavin deficiency diseases.───维生素B2的欠缺会导致口腔、唇、皮肤、生殖器的炎症和机能障碍,称为核黄素缺乏病。

Iron deficiency anemia in infants the incidence of high, is a major nutritional deficiency diseases.───婴小宝宝缺铁性贫血的发病率极高,是主要的营养缺乏性疾病。

The latter case Can lead to specific nutritional deficiency diseases (including beriberi, pellagra, rickets, and scurvy).───人体必需的维生素或矿物质的缺乏会导致营养素缺乏症(包括脚气病脚气、糙皮病、佝偻病和坏血病)。

The death of several cattle accounted for 20% to 25% of the annual death rate caused by nutritional deficiency diseases.───营养代谢性疾病所造成的牛死亡数占牛群年死亡数的20%-25%。

Analysis on the result of longitudinal surveillance of iodine deficiency diseases in Changzhou city───常州市碘缺乏病纵向监测结果分析


Pauling became convinced that vitamins could not only prevent 13)deficiency diseases, they could do something far, far bigger.

In order to control frequent deficiency diseases, effects of spraying nutrient elements on Pistacia veraL.

In order to control frequent element deficiency diseases, effects of spraying nutrient elements on Pistacia veraL.

  • deficiency judgment
  • deficiency definition




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