

词汇 cut my finger
释义 cut my finger
cut my finger发音



cut it fine───扣得紧;抠得很紧;几乎不留余地

country singer───乡村音乐歌手

cut a figure───崭露头角,出风头

little finger───小指

out of danger───脱离危险

stem ginger───干姜

to finger───手指


Why do you cut my finger nails?───你为什么剪我的指甲呢?

I started to cry because I cut my finger.───因为割破了自己的手指,我哭了起来。

I've cut my finger and I'm bleeding.───我的手指割破了,还在流血。

"I'm here for a blood test, and they're going to cut my finger, " said the girl.───小女孩说,“我来这里做血液测试,而他们要割我的手指头。”

That is all thank you. Please try to hurry, I cut my finger.───就这些了.谢谢你.麻烦你快点.我把手割伤了。

I did not touch him. I cut my finger and smeared him all with blood. He was awfully scared.───我碰都没碰他。我划破我的手指,然后把血往他身上擦。他吓坏了。

He asked me to be careful and not to cut my finger.───他让我小心点,别割着手指头。

a. m. I cut my finger with the bread knife. It bled a lot and got some drops of blood on my clean dress.───上午八点:我使用切面包刀时把手指切破了,流了很多血,有几点血洒到我干净的连衣裙上了。

Paulo: I cut my finger while slicing these onions. It really hurts. Ow!───我切洋葱的时候切到自己的手了。好疼,哎唷!


I started to cry because I cut my finger.

I had to have five stitches when I cut my finger.

I cut my finger chopping onions last night.

Mom, where is the sanitary napkin ? I cut my finger.

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