I don't usually watch TV
Like most "peacetime wars" it did not conform to preconceived ideas.───如同大多数“和平时代的战争”一样,这与我们的预想不同。
Whether it was in wartime or in peacetime, our Party always aimed at serving the people.───无论是在战争年代,还是在和平时期, 我们党始终以“为人民服务”为宗旨.
We could afford to reduce defence spending in peacetime without excessive risk.───在和平时期我们可以减少国防开支而并不引起风险增加。
They could have been, and were, produced just as well by an equivalent peacetime inflation.───哪怕在和平年代,同等规模的通货膨胀也能带来这样的结果, 并且的确产生过这些结果.
Waging two wars on a peacetime budget is rapidly wearing out vehicles and equipment.───在一个和平时期发动两场战争,预算正在迅速变成车辆和装备.
The more you sweat in Peacetime, The less you bleed during War.───在和平时付出多, 在战争时流血就少一点.
Myra: No , we fascination of the'unknown peacetime too.───可是, 和平时期我们也会遇到意外的.
Jinxin students, Jinxin peacetime study also very planned and perseverance, the study subjects are arranged inorder.───金鑫的同学说, 金鑫平时学习也极有计划性和毅力, 把各科学习都安排得井井有条.
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