curbing bit───n.马嚼铁,大勒衔
burning in───曲轴连杆紧配跑合;熔接
copping it───抓住它
curling up───卷起
cutting in───插嘴;超车;插入
Early this year, to control demand, it began curbing grain exports through quotas and taxes.───年初,为了控制需求,政府开始通过配额和税收来限制粮食出口。
IAEA delegates are to discuss Iran at a meeting in Vienna today amid concern that it has been curbing inspections and making it harder to uncover any secret facilities.───今天,国际原子能机构的代表将在维也纳开会,对伊朗阻挠核查并妨碍秘密设施曝光一事进行讨论。
authorities have acted earlier and more decisively than they did in the mid-1990s, curbing growth before it gets out of hand.───相比90年代中期,当局的行动更早、更果断了,在经济脱离控制之前将其紧紧勒住。
Aware of the unrest sparked by past periods of high inflation, China's leaders make curbing it a priority.───中国领导人意识到过去一段时间由于较高的通货膨胀引发了动荡,正在采取措施抑制通货膨胀。
But critics say the policy is a "social experiment" which risks encouraging under-age sex instead of curbing it.───但批评人士称该政策是一种“社会实验”,是在鼓励而不是防止青少年过早发生性行为。
- curbing it
- curbing landscaping
- curbing machine rental
- curbing machine
- curbing edge