

词汇 想拜访用英语怎么说
释义 想拜访用英语怎么说

I want to visit




There are a lot of preliminaries to be gone through before you can visit certain foreigners.───在访问某些外国人之前要做好许多准备工作.

Reaction to the visit is mixed.───对这次访问的反应不一。

I am to visit Mr. Green tomorrow.───我明天要去拜访格林先生.

His visit to a counsellor really helped him get thingsoff his chest.───与咨询员的谈话让他将心事一吐为快.

His visit churned up bitter memories.───他的来访激起了痛苦的回忆.

The President paid today a surprise visit to two Medicare patients.───总统今天突然去看望了两位享受医疗保险的病人.

evenings, friends would visit.───晚上朋友们会来拜访。

It's better not to outstay one's welcome, especially on a first visit.───最好别呆得太久而惹人讨厌, 特别是初次拜访.

He has decided to prolong his visit through the weekend.───他已决定把他的访问延长到过完周末.

They ran up a flag in honor of the president's visit.───为了欢迎总统的来访,他们升起了一面旗子.


I'm looking forward to your visit next week.

They used to visit her grave twice a year.

Your company adds to the enjoyment of our visit.

They prolonged their visit by a few days.sentencedict.com/visit.html

What's the purpose of your visit?

Her visit did not cause me much surprise.

The visit took place amidst tight security .

I'd like to visit Japan someday.

She went to visit relatives in Wales.

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  • visit a farm
  • visitors center
  • a visit to
  • visiting angels home care
  • want to visit
  • troubled by excessive visitors
  • visite usa
  • come for a visit
  • places to visit
  • state visit




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