

词汇 crossed off
释义 crossed off
crossed off发音



crosses off───从…划掉,删除

brassed off───厌烦

closed off───封锁;隔绝;使隔离;结账

cross off───从…划掉,删除

crossed out───划掉

tossed off───一饮而尽

crossing off───[计]划掉;删去

cheesed off───失望的

crosses out───删去;注销


The teacher crossed off his name from the list.───老师从名单上划掉他的名字。

The word is unnecessary here, so it is crossed off.───这个单词在这里并不重要,把它放下吧。

That crossed off another 200. One hundred and eighteen were left.───这又排除了另外200人,还剩下一百一十八人。

One Saturday morning my mother left me a long list of chores. I was not allowed to go out and play until every job was crossed off the list.───一个星期六的早晨,我妈妈列了一张清单,给我留了一大堆家务,要求我把那些事情全做完才可出去玩。

And he stood there and crossed off his wife's name on every bottle.───然后,他就站在那里,把每张酒标上他妻子的名字给划掉了。

Hearing his name was crossed off the name list , he fell into great despair.───听说自己的名字被从名单中删除掉了,他陷入了极度的沮丧中。

Design diagrams are crossed off rather than updated. This is better than leaving the design out of date.───设计图被划掉而不是更新,这样好过保留过时的设计。

If this is you, make a point to not open your laptop or a magazine until a certain chunk of your checklist is crossed off.───如果你是这样,那就要注意:在你的清单上的大部分被划掉后才去打开你的电脑或者杂志。

It is a direction to move, not something that can be acheived and then crossed off the list.───它是运动的方向,而不是某种可以达成的目标(一旦达成之后就可以从计划中划去)。


Liz had a calendar and she crossed off the days in black ink.

Sarah's name had been crossed off the list of candidates.

The teacher crossed off his name from the list.

I mentally crossed off each successfully negotiated landmark as the cloud built up.

I checked the chart and found I had crossed off the wrong thing.

He crossed off the needless words in his composition.

  • crossed finger
  • crossed eye
  • crossed comic
  • crossed moon
  • crossed out




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