

词汇 当时正是夏天用英语怎么说
释义 当时正是夏天用英语怎么说

It was summer




Where are you going for your vacation this summer?───今年夏天你去哪儿度假?

Three vacations occur in the course of the year, viz, two weeks at Christmas, ten days at Easter and the usual two months in summer.───一年中有三个假期, 即圣诞节两周, 复活节十天以及通常的两个月暑假.

The whole summer lay before me.───整个夏季正等待着我。

After a summer here the poorest sheep and cattle grow strong and fat.───经过一个夏天,连最差的牛羊在这里也长得又肥又壮了.

After the hot dry summer, the soil is cracking up.───燥热的夏天过后, 土地在龟裂.

Last Tuesday we went to the Summer Palace.───上个星期二我们去了颐和园.

Last summer, a hailstorm damaged the ten mu of good land.───去年夏天, 一场雹子把那十亩好地全给损坏了.

The bears feed voraciously in summer and store energy as fat.───熊在夏季吃很多东西,以脂肪形式储存能量.

The song conjured up memories of warm summer evenings.───这首歌唤起了温暖夏夜的回忆.

The days begin to draw in after the summer solstice.───夏至之后白天开始变短.


We have breakfast on the balcony in summer.

A good winter brings a good summer.

I love Italy[http://Sentencedict.com], especially in summer.

She's only wearing a thin summer jacket .

One swallow does not make a summer.

Her skin tans very quickly in the summer.

During the summer, my skin sometimes gets greasy.

The students love camping out in summer holidays.

The color of leaves is green in summer.

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