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词汇 creative spark
释义 creative spark
creative spark发音



creative flair───创造力

creative side───创造性的一面

great white shark───大白鲨


executive park───行政公园

creative department───富有创造力的部门

great blue shark───大青鲨

creatine phosphate───磷酸肌酸

collective mark───集体商标


Quite a few musicians I spoke to worry that peace in their personal lives robbed them of their creative spark.───我采访的许多音乐人都担心,个人生活的安逸,会让他们失去创作的火花。

His first film, In the Gloaming, proved he had not lost his creative spark.───他的处女作影片《暮色如斯》证明创作灵感并没有离他而去。

Every student is a light, a creative spark, waiting to be of use in dispelling the darkness.───每个学生都是一朵发光的,充满创造力的火花,在等待用作驱散黑暗。

Danger Days is the soundtrack to raging against the death of the creative spark.───《危险日》是一张以抵抗灵感火花的死亡为概念的专辑。

They weren't bad workers; most just didn't fit the culture of my business, had grown stale or had lost their creative spark.───他们都不是不好的工人;最多只是他们不适合我的公司文化,日渐增长的惰性让他们丢失了创造性的火花。

You will know when you feel balanced and are balanced, as this is the time when your creative spark is at its highest.───你们会知道你们何时感觉平衡并且处于平衡之中,因为在此刻你们的创造性火花处于最高状态中。


Uninteresting and uninterested, goes the myth, they lack creative spark and entrepreneurial vision.

Nor would I wish to crush a fledgeling creative spark that may produce something much better later, when such a spark is often so difficult to keep alight.

As a result, while the company has had a truly amazing past and an enviably prosperous present, unless it regains its creative spark, it's an open question whether it has much of a future.

His performances lack creative spark.

Designing one-of-a-kind attractions requires skills that combine a topnotch technical background with a creative spark.

As a writer he seemed to lack creative spark.

  • creative thinking
  • creatively and critically
  • creatively bankrupt
  • creative design
  • creative writing
  • creative story




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