

词汇 年轻人不时更换工作是不好的用英语怎么说
释义 年轻人不时更换工作是不好的用英语怎么说

It is not good for young people to change jobs from time to time


年轻人───young people;更换───replace


The industry has a high turnover of young people.───该行业的年轻从业者流动率较高。

Young people are very environmentally aware.───年轻人的环保意识很强。

Young people are picking up ideas about good drugs and bad drugs.───年轻人正在形成毒品有好坏之分的观念。

Fathers have the power to dominate children and young people.───父辈们有能力支配孩子们和年轻人的生活。

A million young people enter the labour market each year.───每年有100万年轻人进入劳动力市场。

Young people came from the four corners of the nation.───全国各地的年轻人都来到这里。

Young people often loosen up on the dance floor.───年轻人常在舞池中放松自己。

You see young people going to school inadequately dressed for the weather.───你看到年轻人在这种天气里衣衫单薄地去上学。


Young people usually have more energy.

Young people bedded down in doorways.

He's always moralizing about the behaviour of young people.

Young people and older people do not always agree.

Some young people are carrying knives to defend themselves.

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