

词汇 小学谈论给妈妈的礼物用英语怎么说
释义 小学谈论给妈妈的礼物用英语怎么说

Primary school talk about gifts for mom




Mom announced that she was going to visit her family for a couple of weeks, which was absolutely unheard of.───妈妈说她要回娘家几周,这绝对是前所未有的事。

Oscar: Did you take breakfast to your mom on Mother's Day?───奥斯卡: 母亲节那天你给你妈妈端去早餐了 吗 ?

Mom has just bought a very beautiful yellow apron.───妈妈新买了一条黄色的围腰,很漂亮.

Right now, your mom would like a cup of coffee.───你妈妈现在想喝一杯咖啡。

When I used to do that when I was a kid, my mom would spank me.───我还是个孩子的时候常常干那种事,每次妈妈总是打我的屁股。

No, I hid under my bed for a week after mom read me that story.───不, 自从我妈给我读了这个故事后我在床下面躲了一个星期.

Mom, can you tell me how to do it?───妈妈,能告诉我怎么做吗?

you listening, Mom?───妈,你在听吗?

Johnnie snitched on me to his mom.───约翰尼在他妈妈那儿告了我的状。

Because I had never been to a date with my mom before.───因为从未尝试过这样的约会.


Your mom showed me ur baby pictures.

Mom, what did you fix for dinner?

I'll send Mom a photo of Sammy.

Mom! Davey's pulling my hair!

She lives with her mom and dad.

We sneaked out while Jessie's mom wasn't looking.

Aw, gee, Mom, do we have to go?

Thanks for being such a good mom.

Mom, can I go over to Lisa's house?

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