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词汇 couch potato
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n.花大量时间看电视的人,电视迷; 美国人说整天看电视的人是“沙发土豆”


a couch potato───一个成天看电视的人

couch potatoes───电视迷

Irish potato───白马铃薯

hot potato───烫手山芋(喻指棘手的问题);(英)烤土豆

touch bottom───核实;达到最低点

Idaho potato───爱达荷马铃薯

a hot potato───烫手山芋(棘手的问题)

air potato───黄独

baked potato───烤马铃薯;烘马铃薯


But just how badly does the couch potato want to be liberated? And at what price?───问题是,电视迷们在多大程度上需要他们来“解放”? 还有价格问题 呢 ?

She's such a couch potato.───她是大懒虫,整天赖在沙发上不做事.

To describe them as couch potato is quite fitting.───用沙发上的土豆来描述这样的人是再贴切也不过了.

Robert Armstrong , artist from California , developed the term couch potato in 1976.───来自加州的演员罗伯特·阿里斯特朗于1976年推广了“沙发土豆”这个词汇.

Bob, you're a typical couch potato.───鲍勃, 你真是个典型的懒家伙.

Then you're a couch potato.───那么你是一个终日懒散在家的人.

He was a couch potato.───他整天都坐着看电视.

He is such a couch potato on weekends.───他一到周末就成天看电视看个不停.

You couch potato! Get up and exercise a little during commercials.───你这个电视土豆,赶紧趁广告时间起来运动运动吧!

He a couch potato. He just lies around, eating chips and watching TV all day long.───他是个超级大懒鬼. 整天躺着, 只知道吃薯片,看电视.

My father becomes a couch potato during football season.───在足球赛季我的父亲成天坐在沙发上看电视.

The boy was a couch potato. They used to fight over very trivial things.───那个男孩是一个电视迷, 他们经常琐事吵架.

Jim spends a lot of time watching TV every day. He is a couch potato!───吉姆每天都花很多时间看电视, 他就是个不爱动的懒虫!

Did you think yourself as a thinking TV viewer , or just a mindless couch potato?───你有没有想过自己是一位有在思考的电视观众, 还是心不在焉坐著都不动的人?

The one-way interaction between TV and the couch potato is far different than an absorbing Scrabble play-off with a friend on a mobile phone.───电视和电视痴迷之间的单向交互与在手机上和朋友玩的有趣的拼字游戏附加赛大不相同。

Many American are couch potato these days.───现在许多美国人都是电视迷.

Some US researchers have been looking at novel ways to increase the level of activity among those with "couch potato" lifestyles.───美国一些研究人员一直在寻找在新的方式,如何让那些“沙发土豆”们多活动身体。

Do you know that you have been becoming a couch potato since we got cable TV?───你知道自从我们装了有线电视以后,你已经成了一个整天赖在沙发上看电视的人了 吗 ?

If there was a prize for the best couch potato, my husband would win it.───如果有最佳电视迷大奖赛的话, 我丈夫肯定会获奖.

The American couch potato becomes maybe even a part of the American tradition!───美国的“沙发土豆”甚至已经成为了美国文化的一部分!

You're nothing but a couch potato, Mike! Get off the sofa, will you?───迈克, 你这个好吃懒做的家伙! 你给我从沙发上起来!

There's a lot of (disabled veterans) who've got their couch potato tickets and they're punching them.───有很多人(伤残退伍军人)本可以懒在沙发上,现在他们不这么做了。

The elder son is a bookworm while the younger one is a couch potato.───大儿子是个书虫,而小儿子则是个电视迷.

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