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词汇 corporal punishment
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corporal punishment发音


n.肉刑,体罚; 挞罚; 刑法


corporal punishments───体罚;肉刑

capital punishment───死刑

capital punishments───死刑

unusual punishment───非同寻常的惩罚

further punishment───进一步惩罚

maximum punishment───最高刑罚

personal enrichment───增值自我;个人致富

corpora lutea───[组织]黄体



Corporal punishment is frequently ineffective, for it results in children's more aggressive and defiant behaviours.───体罚通常无效, 因为这会导致孩子们更激烈的反抗.

We have reasons to believe that corporal punishment should be strictly prohibited.───例?我们有理由相信体罚应该严格禁止.

The debate between the two sides, for and against corporal punishment , has reached a complete deadlock.───保护儿童权利的诉求使得废除体罚运动开始兴起, 并与美国学校体罚的传统产生了激烈冲突.

Corporal punishment must be abolished in trying criminals.───审讯犯人时必须废止肉刑.

Corporal punishment and physical violence persist in Egyptian homes and schools and, notoriously, in police custody.───体罚和拷打长期存在在埃及的家庭,学校之中, 当然还存在监禁中, 这早已臭名昭著了.

What is your stance on corporal punishment?───你对体罚持什麽态度?

One of the most controversial issues of child discipline is corporal punishment.───而在管教孩子上,最具争议的问题之一就是体罚.

Do you agree that teachers should use corporal punishment as a means of discipline?───你同意教师应当使用体罚作为(使学生遵守)纪律的手段 吗 ?

Besides detention in the cells there is corporal punishment.───除了关禁闭之外,还会对囚犯进行体罚.

I soon experienced my first dealings with corporal punishment.───我不久就经历了我的第一次肉体惩罚.

By 2005, the proportion who said it is "sometimes O.K. to spank a child" had fallen to 72%, although most researchers believe the actual incidence of corporal punishment is higher.───到2005年,同意“有时候体罚孩子是可以的”的人占的比例下降到72%,虽然有些研究者认为实际上体罚事件发生的更频繁了。

Nowadays, corporal punishment is banned in many schools.───现在许多学校禁止体罚.

It has been long time since people have different views on corporal punishment in school education.───长期以来,人们对学校教育活动中的体罚教育方式一直有着不同的看法和观点.

They oppose corporal punishment because they believe that violence breeds violence.───他们反对体罚,因为他们相信暴力衍生出暴力.

Corporal punishment may then become a standard response to any misbehavior.───肉体惩罚也许在当时成为父母对孩子任何行为不端的标准反应.

This essay aims to deal with the causal relationship between corporal punishment and antisocial behaviour.───本文将研究体罚和反社会行为之间的因果关系.

Corporal punishment was banned by statute in 1987.───通过的法令明文禁止体罚。

Corporal punishment was a relic of barbarism ( Cyril Connolly )───体罚是野蛮的文化的遗风遗俗(西里尔康诺利 )

Today we are going to discuss the pros and cons of corporal punishment.───今天我们要讨论[体罚]的正与反论据.

Corporal punishment serious infringement child's lawful right.───体罚严重的侵犯了孩子的合法权利.

Lots of studies, however, find a correlation between corporal punishment and aggressive, delinquent behaviour.───诸多研究反倒是指出体罚与攻击等不良行为之间存在联系.

The headmaster and teachers skirmished for a term over the question of corporal punishment.───校长和教师为体罚的问题争论了一学期.

I am afraid I shall never agree with you about corporal punishment in school.───我恐怕永不会同意你要在学校中实行体罚的意见.

Corporal punishment in public schools is forbidden.───体罚在公立学校是被禁止的。

A teacher should not give students corporal punishment.───老师不应该体罚学生.

We have reaso to believe that corporal punishment should be strictly prohibited.───例︰我们有理由相信体罚应该严格禁止.

Corporal punishment damages the body of children by large degree while maltreatment hurts the mind.───体罚更多伤害的是孩子的身体,而“心罚”更多的是伤害孩子的“心灵”.

He got cruel corporal punishment in prison.───他在狱中受了毒刑.

The headmaster and teachers skirmished for a term the question of corporal punishment.───校长和教师为“体罚”的问题争论了一学期.


Nowadays, corporal punishment is banned in many schools.

  • corporal definition
  • corporally defined
  • corporal punishment definition
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