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词汇 cordon off
释义 cordon off
cordon off发音




cordons off───布置警戒线戒严;隔离

cordoned off───布置警戒线戒严;隔离

cordoning off───布置警戒线戒严;隔离

to cordon off───封锁

cool off───变凉;平静下来

corbel off───托臂关闭

harden off───使受冷而变得耐寒

torn off───撕破

worn off───磨损(worn是wear的过去分词);逐渐消失(worn是wear的过去分词)


The final footage of him alive shows him walking past the line of police dog handlers, who have formed a cordon blocking off Royal Exchange passage.───他生前的最后一段画面显示他走过一列牵着警犬、围成警戒线堵住人群的警察。

Mr Lai is said to have then broken through the police cordon, climbed to where Mr Chen sat, greeted him with a handshake - and then pushed him off the edge.───赖先生据说当时冲破警察的警戒线,爬到陈先生所坐的地方,与其握手,然后把他推下去。

The police have cordon off the town centre .───警察用警戒线围住市中心。

Cordon off the area so that the body will not be visible to any passersby and also to keep the scene intact for police investigation.───在尸体周围做好围挡以免过路人看到情况,另外保护现场以利警方调查。

But it could equally be applied in reverse to cordon off areas where the government has no business interfering with citizens.───但反过来,同样可用这一概念圈定政府无权干涉公民的领域。

Karachi, Pakistan: Men peer through a cloth barrier, which was raised to cordon off the site of a suicide bomb attack.───巴基斯坦,卡拉奇:两个男人穿过布制封锁线窥视,在这里面发生了自杀式炸弹袭击。

We had to cordon off the area, given it's an ongoing murder investigation.───鉴于这是一起谋杀案我们已经封锁了那片区域

A bid by European leaders at a July 21 summit to cordon off Greece, Ireland and Portugal has had little effect.───7月21日的一场峰会上,欧洲领导人希望阻止危机从希腊、爱尔兰和葡萄牙向其他国家蔓延,但收效甚微。

GDPC teams conducted "ring" vaccination campaigns around outbreak sites in order to cordon off and isolate the disease.───管理总局的工作组围绕疫病爆发的地点开展了“环形”疫苗接种,以便阻止并隔离疫病。

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