Nesting technologist
For efficient sheet cutting, computer can sontrol both automatic and hand - operated nesting.───为了提高板材的利用率, 不仅有用电脑判断的自动插入.也有可以修正的手动插入.
And this is in fact an ideal nesting site.───而这处原是燕鸥的理想营巢地点.
Gulls are nesting on a small island toward the eastern shore.───海鸥正在靠近东海岸的一个小岛上筑巢。
Punch nesting understands tooling when nesting parts, not just a part's geometry.───对零件排版时,系统自动识别分配的刀具, 而非仅识别零件图形.
The nesting instinct is proper to birds.───筑巢是鸟类的本能.
Thousands of seabirds are nesting on the cliffs.───成千上万的海鸟在悬崖上筑巢。
birds nesting under the eaves───在屋檐下筑巢的鸟
The nesting level of a stored procedure, function, or view exceeds 32.───存储过程 、 函数或视图的嵌套级别超过32.
Swallows are nesting in the garage.
Its unusual nesting habits differentiate this bird from others.
We've got some swallows nesting in our roof at the moment.
Stone farm buildings are ideal nesting sites for barn owls.
I bought a set of nesting dolls in Moscow.
- 套料工艺员用英语怎么说
- unmatched block nesting
- nesting boxes