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词汇 coon cat
释义 coon cat
coon cat发音




copy cat───盲目的模仿者

moon cake───n.月饼

copying cat───盲目的模仿者

cotton cake───棉花蛋糕

cool bag───冰盒(用于保存野餐食物或饮料);冷藏保存袋

cool it───冷静下来;保持不偏不倚;处之泰然

cool out───vt.使放松;vi.寻求休息

coon dog───猎浣熊的猎犬


is one of the oldest natural breeds in North America and originated from New England, making it America's first indigenous show cat. The Maine Coon Cat is known as "the gentle giant."───缅因猫种起源于新英格兰并且是北美洲最老的天然猫种,同时使得它成为美国第一个本土展示猫。

The previous record-holder was also a Maine Coon cat.───先前的纪录保持者是一只猫也缅因州。

Thee entire setting was like a scene out of an old movie — weathered rocking chairs — the smell of cookies baking — and a coon cat that looked as old as the farmhouse itself.───这一幕完全像是老电影中的场景:老旧的摇椅,烘烤糕点的气息,一只看上去和农舍一样老的长毛猫。

This did not include the food for the two of them and our Maine Coon cat, nor their monthly flea and tick medicine or heartworm pills.───这里并没有包括这两条犬与我们的缅因库恩猫的食物以及他们每个月的防跳蚤以及其他的药物支出。

Bucharest, Romania: A Maine Coon cat at an international feline beauty contest───罗马尼亚,布加勒斯特:国际猫科动物选美大赛上的一只缅因浣熊猫


Oct. 21, 2010 -- This 5-year-old Maine Coon cat, named Stewie, has claimed the Guinness World Record as the world's longest domestic cat, measuring in at more than 4 feet.

The previous record-holder was also a Maine Coon cat.

This did not include the food for the two of them and our Maine Coon cat, nor their monthly flea and tick medicine or heartworm pills.

The breed is one of the oldest natural breeds in North America and originated from New England, making it America's first indigenous show cat. The Maine Coon Cat is known as "the gentle giant."

  • coon dog
  • coontie bush




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