conversation class───会话类
conversation chairs───对话椅
conversation chair───谈话椅
conversation pieces───易引起话题的东西;风俗画
condensation nucleuses───凝聚核
conservation of masses───[物]质量守恒;质量守恒定律
conversation stoppers───谈话中断
acceleration clauses───加速条款
For the past five years, the national conversation on education has focused on reading scores, math tests and closing the "achievement gap" between social classes.───过去的5年中,全国范围内关于教育的讨论集中在阅读分数,数学考试,消除社会各阶层之际成就差距上。
Her experience as a language school consultant also strengthens her ability to arrange curriculums and lead conversation classes.───而语言学校主任的经历,也使她在课程编排和会话教学得心应手。
English conversation classes for the course.───英语会话课程报读。
- conversationalist mean
- conversationist or conversationalist
- conversational tone
- conversational style
- conversational ai
- conversational games
- conversationalist books
- conversationalist movie