n.集中营( concentration camp的名词复数 )
concentration camp───集中营
concentration cells───[电][物化]浓差电池
concentration cell───[电][物化]浓差电池
concentration spans───注意力持久度
concentration span───注意力持久度
cone penetration tests───针入度试验;锥体贯入度试验;触探试验
concentrate hard───集中精力
Three hundred of these were imprisoned in concentration camps where they underwent rigid thought control.───其中三百人被关进集中营,受到了严格的思想审查.
People in Nazi concentration camps were slaughtered using toxic gas.───纳粹集中营里的人们惨遭毒气杀害.
There were the familiar striped uniforms forced on prisoners in the concentration camps, and the calculation in maps that showed the division of Poland.───在集中营里有被囚禁的囚犯熟悉的条纹制服,在地图上的计算显示了波兰的瓜分。
We all shuddered at the pictures of the fascist concentration camps.───我们看到法西斯集中营的照片就不寒而栗.
Because of his family's Jewish background, they are sent to the live in the concentration camps.───因为他的家人是犹太人的背景,他们被送进了集中营。
This sculpture commemorates the victims of the concentration camps.───这一座雕塑是用来纪念那些在集中营里被害的人们.
He gave people hope that unemployment could be cured without concentration camps.───他给了人们希望-失业问题是可以克服的。
Entire peoples were exterminated in the concentration camps.
At least seven died in concentration camps, Williams says.
Frankl himself came through four concentration camps with an unimpaired, nay an enhanced, mentality.
Millions of Jewish people were exterminated in concentration camps in the Second World War.
It is not done even in concentration camps and labour camps.
Even some medical people from the concentration camps.
It does contain shocking footage of concentration camps.
When he spoke of liberating the concentration camps, he assigned himself a place among the liberators.
There were the political prisoners, sent to concentration camps, who continued to help the Allies.
- concentration ratio